Support Information

Support Information

I don't think I want to raise financial support.

Actually, it is much easier to raise financial support than you would think. Rarely does anyone have to do anything other than letting family, friends and your church staff know of the need and then asking for help. Most people want to help and want to be a part of God's ministry in your life. If God wants you to go He will make a way…don't “sell God short”. NICS will help you get started and even give you coaching along the way. Most people are initially apprehensive about raising financial support but usually it is because the Lord has never placed them in this situation before now. The reality is God will use this process to draw you closer to Him and to give you unbelievable encouragement and confirmation. Just one word of caution . . . the support that God raises for you will probably not come from where you think it will.

Why would I have to raise financial support?

Many positions in our Network offer a partial-salary and some offer a full-salary. However, even in the case of full salary (depending on your personal and financial needs that may include debt) you may still need to raise some support. Generally speaking, a single person with little or no debt would not need to raise as much support as a married couple. Usually families will have to raise some support depending on the size of the family, the location that you choose, and whether or not both husband and wife work at the school.

Missionaries who serve in our schools will be ministering to students from every major religion and many countries all over the world. Most of the students are there because their parents want them in an English speaking school and don't necessarily care that it is a Christian school. The benefits a school like this provides to families should be obvious to all. NICS has three basic types of schools:

Pioneer (Start Up) - Our missionaries who serve in these schools must have a pioneering spirit and love the idea of being on the “ground floor” of a project. These schools generally begin in very modest facilities and will struggle for a time before they really “take off”. The research has already taken place to determine the need for an international school in the area, but the real work has only just begun. Just like missionaries who start a church in a remote jungle somewhere, most people who serve in a Pioneer school would have to raise their own financial support. These schools are the future of NICS. As the school grows, the need for your own financial support should decrease.

Transitional (Becoming an Established School) - Our missionaries who serve in these schools must be flexible. Usually the school is undergoing some significant changes. Perhaps it started as a Pioneer school and has grown past the start-up phase but is not yet established. Perhaps the school was started by a different mission agency, but after years of struggling to survive the school eventually turned to NICS for leadership. Perhaps the dynamics of the school have changed and the school is adjusting to a new focus. Whatever the case, these schools are not quite a Pioneer school and not yet completely “established”. Usually these schools pay a partial salary and try to move a little closer to paying a full salary each year.

Established - These schools are usually very stable and experience steady growth. Generally, these schools pay a full salary, but since this is ministry work the salary may need to be supplemented with some financial support.

While each school has different positive aspects that make it unique, the Pioneer and Transitional schools will require the raising of more financial support and Established schools will generally provide a salary and the need for support-raising is lessened.

If you have any other questions or would like more information about raising financial support, please do not hesitate to contact us. Each year we help over 100 new missionaries go overseas, and it is rare for someone not to make it to the field because of a lack of funding.